Pick your Ouray adventure

无论什么季节,无论您待多久,我们都有适合您的东西! 我们小镇的独特之处在于拥有无尽的资产. Rest assure, you won’t be bored.

We have something for everyone. Anything from tours, to museums, to 300+ miles of trails, scenic roads, hot springs, and so much more!

Adventures at elevation

  • Glass blowing


    手工吹制、凹陷和含铅玻璃是山谷的特色,定制陶瓷和铁艺也是如此. 当你走在市中心时,让自己沉浸在这种不可思议的艺术形式中. 如果你幸运的话,你甚至可以瞥见艺术在行动!

  • Box Cañon Falls

    Box Cañon Falls and Nature Center

    Box Cañon Falls, Ouray's own wonder of the world, 峡谷小溪的顶点是否变窄,每分钟倾泻数千加仑的水. At this most spectacular geological formation, 285英尺高的瀑布直落入狭窄的石英岩峡谷. 狭窄的岩壁高出瀑布近100英尺!

  • Man standing at bottom of waterfall


    Canyoneering isn’t just for the desert. 在Ouray中有多条路线可以徒步,击退和跳下去. 在专业的峡谷教练的监督下体验Ouray最具标志性的瀑布.

  • Ghost Town in mountains

    Ghost Towns

    Visit these ghost towns and step back in time. 站在摇摇欲坠的棚屋里,这里曾经住着寻找财富的勇敢的灵魂. Even when you're physically there, 很难想象那些曾经在寒冷的地下数千英尺工作的人所经历的艰辛, dirty, and dreary conditions.

  • Person on Gold Mountain Via Ferrata

    Gold Mountain Via Ferrata

    金山经费拉塔突出最好的冒险,风景,和指导在圣胡安. 这条路线展示了Ouray的采矿历史和仍然存在的采矿建筑,你可以提前行动!

  • Hiking in the backcountry of Ouray, Colorado


    在科罗拉多州的欧雷,有300多英里的徒步小径. 我们保证,无论你的经验如何,都有适合每个人的东西. 从平坦的河边步道,到高耸的14层高楼,我们应有尽有!

  • ouray Hot Springs pool

    Hot Springs

    在这里,你会发现很多机会泡在科罗拉多的温泉里. There are four properties that offer hot springs! What makes the hot springs so special? It makes the perfect setting for a romantic getaway. It is perfect for a family-friendly trip. It is has great health benefits.

  • Ice Climber climbing

    Ice Climbing

    冰上公园有200多个冰上和混合攀登项目, most within a 15-30 minute walk from downtown Ouray. There are many opportunities to pick up the sport, 你可以雇佣一个有经验的当地导游,或者参加许多季节性诊所之一,从初学者到专家,每个团体都有一些东西, kid to adult, able-bodied to amputee.

  • Ouray Brewery beer glasses cheersing

    Locally made Drinks

    在科罗拉多州,奥雷市提供的精酿啤酒和烈酒的人均数量可能是最高的, it’s a distinction we’ll gladly claim! Sip to your heart's content. In Ouray, we have something for everyone. 有三个选择的啤酒厂,两个葡萄酒设施,和一个杰出的酿酒厂.

  • Red Mountain and an OHV


    越野冒险将带您领略落基山脉最令人惊叹的风景. 我们有各种各样的吉普车和OHV路线在每个级别. 你可以自己去,也可以和喜欢分享圣胡安地质知识的导游一起去, flora, fauna, and most colorful stories.

  • Kids on a climbing wall

    Ouray Adventure Center

    Wall to Wall Fun! Ouray冒险中心是Ouray唯一的健身馆,以抱石墙为特色, a yoga studio, weight room, training boards, and ping-pong! 此外,我们致力于为家庭提供一个安全、有趣和包容的空间. 我们的员工经过培训,以确保每个人都感到受欢迎, 我们努力营造一个孩子们可以学习的环境, grow, and build confidence through engaging activities.

    户外探险中心有两堵抱石墙, 再加上张力板和滑板等训练板. How is bouldering different from rock climbing? 抱石是攀岩的一种形式,攀爬路线相对较短, typically no higher than 20 feet, without the use of ropes or other protective equipment. 相反,抱石者依靠垫垫和观察员来缓冲跌落并确保安全. Bouldering emphasizes technique, strength, and problem-solving skills, 因为登山者必须在经常悬垂或复杂的地形上进行一系列具有挑战性的移动. 抱石运动可以在室内和室外进行,已经成为各种年龄和技术水平的人们的一种流行的运动和娱乐形式. 它提供了一个独特的身体和精神上的挑战,需要专注,耐力和创造力. 不管你的攀登水平如何,我们都有一双印有你名字的攀岩鞋.

    630 Main St, Ouray, CO 81427

    (970) 318-8104

  • Ouray County Historical Museum

    Ouray County Historical Museum

    It was a hospital until 1964. 1971年,奥雷县历史学会开始在这座建筑里展出. 1976年,历史学会买下这栋建筑作为博物馆. 共有三层,27个房间,38个展品. 较小的展示位于大厅柜,壁龛和原来的医院哑巴服务员.

  • People on Ouray Via Ferrata

    Ouray Via Ferrata

    世界上有超过1500条菲拉塔之路, but currently less than 10 in North America, including Canada. 单是我们就有三种不同的机会来应对这一激动人心的冒险. Two that scale the edges of the Uncompahgre Gorge.

  • Woman Rock Climbing

    Rock Climbing

    Ouray为攀岩者提供了150多条攀岩路线:运动, trad, 混合,甚至夏季干工具为非季节的冰爱好者. Our local rock is just as varied with solid quartzite, blocky sandstone, and crumbly tuffa to keep things interesting.

  • Amethyst rock


    决不能将岩石开采与受采矿和矿物法管辖的商业矿物活动混为一谈. No mechanical equipment may be used, 任何收集不得与现有的矿产许可证相冲突, leases, claims, or sales. 在没有许可证的情况下造成严重的地面干扰或为商业利益而收集,将被处以罚款和潜在的修复费用.

  • The Wright Opera House

    The Wright Opera House

    The sound, seating, 在莱特歌剧院的舞台和目睹现场艺术的体验是独一无二的. 自19世纪后期以来,这个场地为奥雷市及其市民提供了一个聚会的场所, share and socialize.

  • Jeeps going down Mountain Trail

    Tours/ Rental

    在圣胡安山脉,乐趣和冒险从未远离. LPL外围在哪买当地的导游和租赁公司,为您的探险之旅提供一切所需, whether it's a Jeep, climbing equipment, skis or bike.